

Your competitiveness is driven by your employees. As they develop their knowledge, skills and experience, they will have a better understanding of your equipment and be able to use it to its full potential. BOBST offers a variety of basic and advanced training courses for all product lines. We design our programs for the audience, whether it is a new or older machine, experienced or newly hired operators, and mechanical and electrical training for maintenance staff. Our trainings are combining theoretical and on-the-job training.

Benefits for you

Given by BOBST experts at our approved centres, or directly on your production site, they will help you derive the maximum benefit from your production equipment:

  • Better trained and more motivated personnel
  • Better knowledge allows for equipment to perform at its maximum
  • Fewer errors
  • Faster problem elimination
  • Increased productivity
  • Machine failure prevention
  • Reduced downtime.

Get in contact to discuss your needs and to find out the details of our training programs.



BOBST Services Video